Efemérides astronómicas generales del mes de abril de 2013
*Todas las horas están en GMT o UT.
-Abril 3 11:53 horas. Cuarto menguante de la Luna.
-Abril 4 12:00 horas. La Luna está en su perigeo a una distancia de 365318 kilómetros.
-Abril 7 7:20 horas. Luna nueva.
-Abril 8 21:00 horas. Mercurio está en su máxima elongación este (18 grados).
-Abril 10 20:31 horas. Cuarto creciente de la Luna.
-Abril 12 6:00 horas. La Luna está en su apogeo, a una distancia de 404472 kilómetros.
-Abril 14 14:16 horas. La Luna está en conjunción a 7.2 grados sur del Pesebre (M44).
-Abril 25 20:27 horas. Luna llena.
Cielo profundo
Setenta y cinco estrellas binarias para abril:Â h4481 (Corvus); Aitken 1774, Gamma Crateris, Jacob 16, Struve 3072, h4456, Burnham 1078 (Crater); h4311, Burnham 219, N Hydrae, h4455, h4465 (Hydra); 31 Leonis, Alpha Leonis (Regulus), h2520, Struve 1417, 39 Leonis, Struve 1421, Gamma Leonis (Algieba), Otto Struve 216, 45 Leonis, Struve 1442, Struve 1447, 49 Leonis, Struve 1482, 54 Leonis, Struve 1506, Chi Leonis, 65 Leonis, Struve 1521, Struve 1527, Struve 1529, Iota Leonis, 81 Leonis, 83 Leonis, Tau Leonis, 88 Leonis, 90 Leonis, Struve 1565, Struve 1566, 93 Leonis, h1201, S Leonis (Leo); h2517, Struve 1405, Struve 1432, 33 Leo Minoris, Struve 1459, 40 Leo Minoris, Struve 1492 (Leo Minor); Struve 1401, Struve 1441, Struve 1456, Struve 1464, 35 Sextantis, 40 Sextantis, 41 Sextantis (Sextans); Struve 1402, Struve 1415, Struve 1427, Struve 1462, Struve 1486, Struve 1495, Struve 1510, Struve 1520, Xi Ursae Majoris, Nu Ursae Majoris, Struve 1541, 57 Ursae Majoris, Struve 1544, Struve 1553, Struve 1561, Struve 1563, 65 Ursae Majoris, Otto Struve 241 (Ursa Major)
Cien objetos de cielo profundo para abril:Â NGC 4024, NGC 4027 (Corvus); NGC 3511, NGC 3513, NGC 3672, NGC 3887, NGC 3892, NGC 3955, NGC 3962, NGC 3981 (Crater); NGC 3091, NGC 3109, NGC 3145, NGC 3203, NGC 3242, NGC 3309, NGC 3585, NGC 3621, NGC 3717, NGC 3904, NGC 3936 (Hydra); M65, M66, M95, M96, M105, NGC 3098, NGC 3162, NGC 3177, NGC 3185, NGC 3190, NGC 3226, NGC 3227, NGC 3300, NGC 3346, NGC 3367, NGC 3377, NGC 3384, NGC 3389, NGC 3412, NGC 3437, NGC 3489, NGC 3495, NGC 3507, NGC 3521, NGC 3593, NGC 3607, NGC 3608, NGC 3626, NGC 3628, NGC 3630, NGC 3640, NGC 3646, NGC 3655, NGC 3681, NGC 3684, NGC 3686, NGC 3691, NGC 3810, NGC 3842, NGC 3872, NGC 3900, NGC 4008 (Leo); NGC 3245, NGC 3254, NGC 3277, NGC 3294, NGC 3344, NGC 3414, NGC 3432, NGC 3486, NGC 3504 (Leo Minor); NGC 2990, NGC 3044, NGC 3055, NGC 3115, NGC 3156, NGC 3166, NGC 3169, NGC 3246, NGC 3423 (Sextans); IC 750, M97, M108, M109, NGC 3079, NGC 3184, NGC 3198, NGC 3310, NGC 3359, NGC 3610, NGC 3665, NGC 3675, NGC 3738, NGC 3877, NGC 3898, NGC 3941, NGC 3953, NGC 3998, NGC 4026 (Ursa Major)
Top ten de objetos de cielo profundo para abril:Â M65, M66, M95, M96, M97, M105, M108, NGC 3115, NGC 3242, NGC 3628
Estos objetos se localizan en el hemisferio norte entre las 20:00 y 22:00 horas en ascensión recta.
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noviembre 13, 2015 en 9:07 pm
A quick message to evneroye who has viewed my three little videos over the past week or so- Many thanks for the comments and feedback-I have tried to respond to evneroye, but as the insults came in I decided to just sit back and let the pictures speak for themselves.I Live in Wales UK, the first video was taken in a place called LLithfaen, and the second (taken the next day) in a place called Pwllheli. The first video was taken at roughly 3.30pm and the second at probably 2pm the next day.
julio 11, 2016 en 11:39 pm
POSTED October 7, 2012 at 4:42 amIf you decide to branch out into developing this or something similar for Android, I’d love to be on board as a tester. I can’t find anything in a traditional to-do list or planner system on Android that quite meets my needs and this would be very close. Despite having many great to-do list apps, Android seems to be lacking in other productivity type apps.